The Trauma-Informed Law book is available to order now at the below link! In March 2023, the book on Trauma-Informed Lawyering was published.
The Full Title is: “Trauma-Informed Law: A Primer for Lawyer Resilience and Healing”, edited by Helgi Maki, Marjorie Florestal, Myrna McCallum and J. Kim Wright (with about 40 amazing legal authors contributing). It was published by the American Bar Association (Practice Management Division).
To order:
The Trauma-Informed Law Project is a Collaborative Project on how trauma impacts and intersects with the Legal Profession.
Key Questions Include:
How does trauma impact clients, lawyers, judges, students and legal system community members? And what can we do about it?
How can lawyers, judges and legal educators best approach legal matters involving trauma?
How can people affected by trauma (including lawyers) navigate difficult legal matters with resilience, both personally and professionally?
Our forthcoming book to be published in spring 2023 by the American Bar Association (Practice Management Division) considers how lawyers and the legal system itself can provide trauma-informed services.
Secondary or Vicarious Trauma & Law
Do lawyers, judges, paralegals and other members of the legal system experience secondary or vicarious trauma? Or compassion fatigue? What resources are available on this topic?
Trauma & Lawyer-Client Relationships
How does trauma affect the lawyer-client relationship? How to perspectives on this relationship differ between lawyer and client in connection with trauma? What resources are available on this topic?
Trauma & Legal System Issues
How does trauma affect the legal system in general? Are certain aspects of the legal system more impacted than others? What is the current state of resources for particularly traumatic issues such as sexual violence?
“[O]ur system traumatizes and victimizes people when we exercise our power to convict and condemn irresponsibly - not just the accused but also their families, their communities, and even the victims of crime.”
—Bryan Stevenson, Just Mercy
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